Friday, March 9, 2007

Another week, another migraine....

So somehow it is Friday and i havent even loaded in my BKK (Bangkok) stories yet(wrote them into my bberry and they somehow went into the abyss). I am pretty exhausted right now, from that trip, this week, and this whole experience. Getting to work at 4am and leaving at 7 has taken its toll. Getting anything done here at times is like pulling teeth. Through your ear.

Luckily, I am going home, or rather homish. California is close enough for me right now. Even though i will be working I cant wait to speak english, know what people are saying, eat red meat, breath in are without smelling garbage, and swim in an ocean without fear of disease. Only twenty hours of flying between me and my oasis. But does that mean our intrepid hero is done with his venture? Is he leaving us with only a quip of a goodbye?

The answer is no, I will be coming back to India (in what promises to be a hellacious trip around the world - literally - in twelve days. Tonight is India to Germany to Los Angeles. Then San Francisco. Next Saturday San Fran to NYC. 50 hrs later NYC to India.) and that will be the end. next time I sit in front of this thing I will be filling in the blanks I have left so far because I want it to read smoothly and so far it does not encapsulate everything I have been through (and this is not even the good stuff).


Natalie said...

t-12 hours!!!!!!!

Jeramie said...

Oh please make sure to not leave out "the good stuff!"

Hope you're having a good time, Travis. Your blog made me laugh my ass off