Monday, February 5, 2007

You must kill the Malaysian Prime Minister!

Kuala Lampur is the capitol city of Malaysia. You know its major landmark if you've seen the movie Entrapment. No site of Catherinze Zeta-Jones on my trip though. We were only here for a weekend and I am happy with what I did; shopping at chinatown for trinkets, swam, bargained for items in a crowded street marketplace (as if a dollar amount can be placed on a red tshirt with "dog" in Chinese characters in gold lettering...undeveloped nation indeed), tried food at that same marketplace (risky but it was a dessert Jeff recommended), hit a few clubs (I think the dj spun the playlist from Carondalet's '98 Sadie Hawkins dance), toured those towers ( taller than the empire state building), and dined at a lush Malaysian restaurant.

I can't say going to Malaysia has ever been of any interest to me. Conversely, now that I've been I am not the biggest fan nor do I plan to speak about this visit often. So for most intents and purpose this trip will never be mentioned. Still it is not a waste because for me a spontaneous and quaint jaunt has a badassedness to it. During lunch on the final day, which was at California Pizza Kitchen of all places (I know that reeks of irony!), I mentioned to everyone how being around un-rich young people that think nothing of traveling to countless destinations is new to me. For most of my life I was part of a high profile team where everything is taken care of. A grown man in many respects, here I am inexperienced and unpolished and I'm ecstatic that I have the chance to grow.

I have but one regret. Three days in Kuala Lumpur and I had not a single bite of Koala.


Allyson said...

First off, I love that your country synopsis consists of one weekend in a capital. You should basically write for National Geographic. And thanks for the music memory - gotta love foreign clubs with the new hot jams from C&C Music Factory.

John Kennard said...

Dude, nice east bay (Carondolet) shout out...I'm all over it.
Happy Birthday